4K Monitors Group Test « TOP NEW Review

4K Monitors Group Test

Years ago, we would have conducted a group test on CGA monitors, and through the years that group would have moved on to VGA, SVGA, WXGA, HD and now 4K.

4K is the darling of the viewing world at present, the key resolution that we’re being persuaded to use hence forth – until 8K or 12K becomes the new kid on the block.

David Hayward checks out six 4K screens to see what they have to offer.

Editor’s Choice – Philips Brilliance 288P6

It was a difficult group this one, since the monitors on test were of a much better quality than the usual HD ones we’re used to.

However, we believe the Philips Brilliance 288P6 offered the best quality, in both design/ build and screen output and value for money. While it’s not as cheap as the Acer or AOC, it’s a better monitor overall.

Highly Recommended – AOC U2868PQU

If you’re after a cheaper 4K solution, then we would recommend you look no further than the AOC U2868PQU.

It may not have the build quality or even an image that’s quite as sharp as the BenQ, Philips or LG models, but it’s certainly no slouch either. And considering it’s just a tad under £, it’s worth looking into.

How We Tested

Each 4K monitor was hooked up to a GeForce GTX 970 4GB graphics card, via HDMI and/or DisplayPort. We tested a number of YouTube 4K videos, as well as some full HD movies. For games we ran War Thunder, Elite: Dangerous and Sniper Elite 3 in the highest resolutions possible.


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