BENQ GW2270H Review - WHILE THERE ARE plenty of high-cost, flashy monitors out there, sometimes you just want something smaller, cheaper and neater. This is ...
SAFETY FIRST, IMAGE QUALITY SECOND Considering how long we stare at our displays all day, it’s a little scary about how little thought we put into the ...
While BenQ usually offers users a plethora of features with its monitors, the company has taken a slightly different approach with the GW2870H. Quoting the ...
We’ve had a number of BenQ gaming specific monitors through our doors recently, so it makes a nice change to get hold of one of the company’s higher-end ...
David checks out a 24" monitor that promises high-end gaming visuals The BenQ XL range of monitors has never ceased to amaze us in terms of quality, features, ...
Following BenQ’s previous monster 32in monitor, the BL3200, the new BL3201PT gains a notable upgrade that moves resolution from 2560x1440 pixels, to the ...