Easeus Data Recovery Wizard 10.8 Free Review

 Recovery data for free

Easeus Data Recovery Wizard is a free application, help you solve all common problem about lost data. With it, you can recovery lost file from internal disk, external disk, USB, SD card, digital camera, smartphone, mp3 player and another storages,..

When using computer, sometime you will have mistake of deleting data or delete data that not necessary in current but in need in future. In these case, you will need a recovery tools.

If you fake these cases, lost pictures, videos, musics, emails, documents or files, you can use Easeus Data Recovery Wizard, a free data recovery software, with a lot of excellent features.

Features of Easeus Data Recovery Wizard

  • Recover lost files exactly through quick and deep scan modes
  • Apply to different loss situations and support all sorts of file types
  • Clear preview before recovery ensures successful recovery
  • Import and export scanning results whenever necessary
Download Easeus Data Recovery Wizard for quick recovery lost data

Download Easeus Data Recovery Wizard for quick recovery lost data

Main features of Easeus Data Recovery Wizard

Powerful recovery data

This software provide two scan mode: Quick ScanDeep Scan

  • Recovery any lost data, like: picture, video, audio, email and document.
  • Recovery lost data from PC, laptop, digital components, server that in wrong format, system error,..
  • You can pause and continue in any times. Result will be save and import to process another recovery, don’t need to re-scan.

Review file before recover:

  • Define file type need recovery before scan will help exactly and best result.
  • Filter search results by name, type and created date quickly, save a lot of time.
  • Preview file to check details information and quality of them before recovery.

Easy to use and safely

Recovery tool that 100% safety allow you recovery in three simple step. Follow these short step and clearly in interface that not require experience before.

  • Friendly interactive interface with user make condition for you to do an easy recovery. With 3 simple steps, you can take your missed data.
  • 100% Safety and have no infure for your device or re-write data of you.

Recommended in installation processes

To defensing from problems appear when you are trying recovery lost data, you must install this software in another disk with the disk that can occur lost data.

This software use step by step method and provide for user information in recovery processes.

Easeus Data Recovery Wizard provide you ability apply filters like: graphics (format .jpg, .png, .bmp), audio file (.mp4, .wav), document (file Word, Excel, PDF), video, email (from Outlook or Outlook Express), or compressed file.

These filters cannot custom, you can’t choose your define file types.

Choose drive for Easeus Data Recovery Wizard scan

After choose file type, this tool will automatically detect drive in system and allow you choose one disk to scan.

Deep Scan will take more time and system resources than normal Scan. Consider choosing your scan mode.

Deep Scan mode of Easeus Data Recovery Wizard

After finishing scan process, Easeus Data Recovery Wizard will display list of files that it detected and allow user know detail information of file like name, date, type, size. It allow filter result follow file path, file type, date, preview file in a specific screen, choose category you want to recovery, search, export result by RSF format.

Finally, Easeus Data Recovery Wizard is a friendly recovery software, with useful recovery features.


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