Close Privacy Eraser after cleaning your PC

I can’t recall why, but I stopped using Privacy Eraser ( a few years ago. I decided to download it again after reading about the new version. I remembered instantly how easy it was to use. Every setting seems to be in just the right place.
What I also like is that the settings it enables by default all seem to be the most sensible option – except one. If you click the Settings cog at the top (1 in our screenshot) and select General on the left, you’ll see an unticked box next to ‘Automatically exit program after cleaning’. Tick that box 2 followed by Apply at the bottom and Privacy Eraser will close itself after ridding your PC of every bit of junk it can find.

There’s also an unticked box for the Automatically clean at Windows startup’ option. I commend Privacy Eraser for leaving this unticked by default because the user should have the ultimate say when to clean their PC. For some it makes sense to do so when booting, but for most probably not.
Richard Bennett